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Project leader Crnkovic Ivica
Project co-leader: Mario Zagar
Administering organization: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Institution/Company: Mälardalen University, Sweden, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture - University of Split, Eriicsson Nikola Tesla
Grant type: 1A
Project title: DICES - Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems
Project summary: DICES (Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems) has a goal to advance development of distributed embedded software systems with emphasis on software reusability and predictability of software quality. The aim of the project is increasing the software development efficiency and quality by applying service-oriented and component-based approaches. The project will advance theories and methodologies for prediction of certain system properties, develop tools that will help in reusability of software components, and assure performance efficiency of the systems. The overall presence of distributed embedded systems in the modern society is a fact. Examples of such systems are telecommunication systems, grid systems, control and information systems of vehicular systems (cars, trains), different monitoring environmental systems. Embedded systems development is one of the strategic research areas of EU-FP7 programmes. It is also of significant importance in Croatia, since many leading companies in Croatia either produce such systems (e.g. Koncar, Ericsson Nikola Tesla) or use such systems (e.g. Pliva). DICES will address efficient reusability of software components and prediction of the important properties for embedded systems: resource utilisation, and performance, by applying the service-oriented software engineering and component-based software engineering methods and technologies. The project will apply existing and develop new theories for predictability of certain quality attributes providing a) improved and more efficient software development b) optimal solutions of software architecture and components configurations for distributed systems. The theories will be validated on a case – “iForestFire - Intelligent Forest Fire System” developed at FESB Split. This will enable a thorough validation of the approach and provide input for further development of this system and possible commercialisation of the improved product. Further, abilities of commercialisation, and possibilities of Open Source publicity will be investigated. The additional goal of DICES is improving the structural research potential in the field of Software Engineering in Croatia. The project will contribute in establishment of network of excellence in software engineering in Croatia by performing DICES on two Croatian and one Swedish research centre and by connecting DICES to several projects performed in Sweden and EU. The project will also work on strategic planning for continuation of activities and building careers of young researchers to avoid “brain drain”. DICES have good assumptions for a successful performance since the participants have already established a successful cooperation, such as common work in education, organisation of some events, and submissions to Croatian and EU research proposals,
Hrvatski sažetak: Ugrađeni sustavi i pripadna programska podrška su bitno drugačiji od “PC"-eva i njihove programske podrške koju kao korisnici lako prepoznajemo. Programska podrška za ugrađene sustave je skrivena unutar produkta, a zahtjevi na nju su specifični. Na primjer, zahtjev za pouzdanošću je izrazito velik – u takvim sustavima ne mogu se (ne smiju se) dozvoliti greške tipične za standardne računalne sustave (npr. da kočnica automobila trenutačno ne djeluje zbog preopterećenosti računalnog sustava ili da mobitel ne prihvati poziv zato što se na njemu u tom trenutku izvodi neka igrica). Takvi sustavi su obično zahtjevniji što se tiče resursa (memorije, energije i sl.), a istovremeno su ti resursi često ograničeni. Dakle s jedne strane postoje zahtjevi za visokom pouzdanošću, s druge za ograničenim korištenje resursa. Zato razvoj takve programske podrške traži specifične metode. Zbog velike brzine razvoja sklopovlja, mogućnosti razvoja programske podrške u ugrađenim sustavima su ogromne. Ipak, zbog relativno novog područja, još uvijek ne postoje etablirane metode za njezin efikasni i visoko kvalitetni razvoj. Jedan od značajnih problema je predvidjeti svojstva programske podrške u toku izvođenja i na taj način izbjeći greške i njihove neželjene posljedice. Osnovni cilj projekta DICES je poboljšanje razvoja programske podrške za ugrađene sustave. Projekt koristi metode razvoja temeljene na komponentama, metode koje su se pokazale uspješnim u razvoju velikih raspodijeljenih sustava. Cilj takvih metoda je omogućiti ponovno korištenje programskih komponenata i na taj način povećati efikasnost razvoja i pouzdanost sustava. DICES također ima dodatni cilj razviti metode i tehnologije koje omogućuju predviđanje ponašanja sustava – posebno u korištenju resursa i dinamičkom (vremenskom) ponašanju. Uz razvoj metoda, projekt će razvijati i alate koji će omogućiti automatsku i efikasnu primjenu metoda. Razvijene teorije i metode bit će validirane na primjeru produkta ”iForestFire - Intelligent Forest Fire System” – inteligentnog protupožarnog sustava. U daljem razvoju projekt predviđa proširenje studije, mogućnost primjene u drugim područjima ugrađenih sustava te kontakte s hrvatskim tvrtkama koje bi mogle koristiti razvojne metode. Projekt DICES se izvodi u suradnji tri znanstvene institucije, FER i FESB u Hrvatskoj te MDH u Švedskoj pod vodstvom priznatih znanstvenika iz područja ugrađenih sustava, programskog inženjerstva te protupožarnih sustava.
Amount requested from UKF: 199 874 €
Amount of matching funding: 87 200 €
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