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Project leader Bicanic Nenad
Project co-leader: Dr Nik Petrinic
Administering organization: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka
Partner Institution/Company: University of Oxford
Grant type: 1B
Project title: Evidence Based Characterisation of Dynamic Sensitivity for Multiblock Structures – Computational Simulation and Experimental Validation
Project summary: Computational and experimental characterisation of dynamic performance attributes, sensitivities and limiting critical conditions of multi block structures is considered, in order to support the integrity assessment of many safety critical discontinuous, blocky structural assemblies. Comprehensive series of single and multi block benchmarks, with increasing complexity and varying interface conditions will be developed and experimentally validated on a novel bespoke experimental platform, and using the newly acquired state of the art non contact optical measurement system, with image processing for control points displacement time histories. Experimental results will provide a comprehensive set of well controlled, novel generic benchmarks to computationally validate various modeling aspects of the non smooth contact dynamics implicit simulation paradigm and contribute towards its improved predictive power for the industry relevant analysis of multi body structural assemblies. The proposal aims to create a distinct longer term research niche for the Computational and Experimental Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Rijeka, through collaboration with two centres of excellence in the UK, building on the existing long standing expertise in simulation (experimental and computational) in impact engineering (Dr Petrinić, University of Oxford), as well as with the state of the art developments in computational non smooth contact dynamics software (Dr Koziara, University of Durham).
Hrvatski sažetak: Računalna i eksperimentalna karakterizacija dinamičkog ponasanja multi blokovskih konstrukcija, procjena njihove osjetljivosti i kritičnih uvjeta, u cilju poboljsanja procjene sigurnosti diskontinuiranih blokovskih konstrukcija. Planira se niz eksperimenata, raznih nivoa složenosti i različitih uvjeta na kontaktnim povrsinama, na novoj dinamickoj platformi u Rijeci, uz koristenje bezkontaktnog optičkog sustava. Eksperimentalni rezultati će sluziti vrednovanju i kalibriranju raznih aspekata racunarskih simulacija na bazi neglatke kontaktne mehanike te ce doprinijeti poboljšanin simulacijama, relevantnim u industrijskoj primjeni. Projekt ima za cilj omoguciti i dugoročno iskoristiti istraživacki potencijal Laboratorija za računalnu i eksperimentalnu dinamiku na Gradjevinskom Fakultetu Sveučilišta u Rijeci, kroz suradnju sa dva centra izvrsnosti u Velikoj Britaniji, nadovezujući se na postojeće dugogodišnje iskustvo u simulaciji (eksperimentalna i računalna) inženjering (Sveučilište u Oxfordu), kao i na napredni razvoj softwarea za neglatku kontaktnu mehaniku (Sveučilište u Durhamu).
Amount requested from UKF: 1.213.235,00 HRK
Amount of matching funding: 308.162,00 HRK
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