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Project leader Barisic Matko
Project co-leader: Distinguished professor Anthony Healey
Administering organization: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb (Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva Sveučilišta u Zagrebu)
Partner Institution/Company: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
Grant type: 2A
Project title: A Distributed Navigation System for Coordinated Control of a Fleet of Autonomous Submersibles
Project summary: The applicant proposes to implement a theoretically developed motion (trajectory) planning algorithm on a fleet of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). A system comprised of a small fleet of such intelligent machines will be invaluable in future efforts to explore, map, exploit, pursue sustainable development, protect, monitor and project sovereignty over an expanse of the sea. AUVs represent a great solution for demands and conditions that have been put before Croatia in the accession processes to the EU and NATO in the area of maritime policy. These demands can be summarized as a need for Croatia to be able to effectively monitor, regulate, project sovereignty, and assure continued presence-by-proxy in its territorial waters, by means of high technology. As well as an effective and economical means to an end, AUVs are also an example of technology that can be independently produced and placed at the world’s markets by a future Croatia with knowledge-driven economy. Command over know-how such as that related to coordinated motion planning for formations of AUVs therefore represents a strategic resource for the Croatian academic community, but also the Croatian society as such.
Hrvatski sažetak: Kandidat će implementirati teoretski razvijenu metodu planiranja trajektorije (putanje) za flotu autonomnih ronilica (AUV-ova). Sustav koji bi se sastojao od male flote takvih strojno-inteligentnih ronilica bio bi od velike važnosti i koristi u budućim hrvatskim poduzimanjima i projektima koji će imati za cilj istražiti, mapirati, održivo eksploatirati podmorje, kao i razvijati potencijale i gospodarsku proizvodnu sposobnost podmorja na održiv način. AUV-ovi predstavljaju velik potencijal za riješavanje problema i uvjeta postavljenih pred Republiku Hrvatsku u procesima približavanja i ulaska u Europsku uniju i NATO na području pomorske politike i njezina provođenja. Ti zahtjevi svi se mogu svesti na potrebu i uvjet da Hrvatska može i mora efikasno i pouzdano motriti, provoditi monitoring, regulirati, upravljati, proicirati suverenitet i osigurati kontinuirano daljinsko prisustvo u svojim teritorijalnim vodama, uz pomoć visokih tehnologija. Uz to što predstavljaju najefikasnije i najekonomičnije sredstvo kojim je ovo moguće postići, AUV-ovi su ključan primjer tehnologije koju se može nezavisno osmisliti, patentirati i proizvoditi, te u konačnici plasirati na svjetska tržišta, od strane Hrvatske na znanju zasnovane privrede budućnosti. Dolaženje u posjed, te buduće upravljanje know-howom stečenim u ovom području zato predstavlja strateški resurs hrvatske akademske zajednice, ali i čitavog hrvatskog društva.
Amount requested from UKF: 7332.22 €
Amount of matching funding: 1836.61 €
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