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Project leader Smolcic Vernesa
Project co-leader: Dr. Kresimir Pavlovski
Administering organization: University of Zagreb, Department of Physics Bijenicka c. 32, P.P. 331 HR-10002 Zagreb
Partner Institution/Company: University of Zagreb
Grant type: 2B
Project title: Caltech - Zagreb collaboration
Project summary: There are three main aspects of the purpose of my visit in Feb/2008. First, I will supervise three Croatian students (see my enclosed CV for details) in their research, which will result in refereed publications in recognized astronomical journals, and at least one application for the University of Zagreb Rector’s Award in 2009. Second, with K. Pavlovski (University of Zagreb; Department of Physics) I will start to prepare our future application to the European Marie Curie fund for starting my own research group in Croatia (“FP7-ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant”). This application, if successful, will grant us more than 1 million Euros for our planned 3-5 year scientific project. Third, in collaboration with K. Pavlovski and T. Anticic (IRB) I will start organizing Croatia’s involvement in future grand astronomy projects (such as LOFAR, LSST, SKA). In this immediate visit we will assemble a Croatian core council that will focus in the future on attracting investments and applying for independent funding (e.g. FP7) in order to realize these projects. In summary, this visit will transfer knowledge between Caltech and Croatian scientists, and set up the basis for Croatia’s participation in present and future grand international projects.
Hrvatski sažetak: Postoje tri glavna razloga mog posjeta u veljaci. Prvo, nadgledavat cu znanstveni rad tri hrvatska studenta (detalji su u mom prilozenom zivotopisu). Ta istrazivanja ce rezultirati u referiranim publikacijama u prepoznatim astronomskim casopisima te najmanje jednom prijavom za Rektorovu nagradu Sveucilista u Zagrebu 2009. Drugo, s Kresimirom Pavlovskim (Sveuciliste u Zagrebu, fizicki odjel) cu poceti pripremati svoju buducu prijavu za europski Marie Curie fond za zapocinjanje vlastite istrazivacke grupe (“FP7-ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant”). Ako bude uspjesna, ta prijava ce unjeti vise od 1 milijun Eura za nas predlozeni tro- do petero-godisnji znanstveni projekt. Trece, u suradnji s K. Pavlovskim i T. Anticicem (IRB) pocet cu organizirati hrvatsko ukljucivanje u buducim velikim astronomskim projektima (poput LOFAR, LSST, SKA). U sadasnjem posjetu okupit cemo kljucno hrvatsko vijece ciji ce fokus u buducnosti biti privlacenje investicija i nezavisnog financiranja (e.g. FP7) s ciljem realiziranja navedenih projekata u Hrvatskoj. Ukratko, ovaj posjet ce doprinjeti prijenosu znanja izmedju znanstvanika s Caltech-a i iz Hrvatske te uspostaviti uporiste za hrvtsko sudjelovanje u sadasnjim i bducim velikim internacionalnim projektima.
Amount requested from UKF: 8.526 €
Amount of matching funding: 25.000 €
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