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Project leader Serdar Marijana
Project co-leader: Paulo J.M. Monteiro
Administering organization: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb Kaciceva 26, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Institution/Company: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley
Grant type: 2A
Project title: The composition of corrosion products on corrosion resistant concrete reinforcement
Project summary: Recent research of the methods for concrete reinforcement corrosion protection is targeted to development of new types of corrosion resistant steels with lower percentages of alloying elements, which can be a cost-effective corrosion resistant alternative to highly alloyed austenitic stainless steels. Since corrosion products that form on the steel/concrete interface during corrosion play a critical role in cracking and degrading of the concrete, it is of great importance to define them on different types of corrosion resistant steels. Any differences in composition and morphology of corrosion products formed on different types of corrosion resistant steels can lead to differences in stresses created on the steel/concrete interface, consequently leading to differences in time-to-corrosion and degradation of reinforced concrete structures. The objective of the proposed visit is to perform research on corrosion products formed on the steel/concrete interface with microscopic, surface and diffraction methods, under the supervision and with the help of highly skilled scientist at the University of California. This research will be one of the most important parts of main applicant’s PhD thesis, with topic and title already approved by the University of Zagreb.
Hrvatski sažetak: Svjetska istraživanja metoda zaštite od korozije armiranobetonskih konstrukcija usmjerena su ka razvijanju novih vrsta korozijski otpornijih čelika s manjim udjelom skupih legura, koji mogu biti ekonomski opravdana alternativa visoko legiranim austenitnim nehrđajućim čelicima. Vrijeme pojave i obim degradacije armiranobetonske konstrukcije direktno je povezano s korozijskim produktima, koji nastaju na sučeljku armatura/beton prilikom korozije armature. Razlike u morfologiji i sastavu korozijskih produkata, koji nastaju na različitim vrstama čelika u betonu, mogu za posljedicu imati razlike u vlačnom naprezanju u betonu te različito vrijeme i obim pojave oštećenja armiranobetonskih konstrukcija. Osnovni cilj predloženog projekta je istražiti vrste, morfologiju i kemijski sastav korozijskih produkata koji se formiraju na sučeljku čelik/beton prilikom korozije novih vrsta korozijski otpornijih čelika u betonu i to mikroskopskim, površinskim i difrakcijskim metodama uz mentorstvo i pomoć visoko specijaliziranih djelatnika Sveučilišta u Kaliforniji, Berkeley. Predloženo istraživanje predstavlja bitan dio doktorske disertacije glavnog istraživača, s temom prihvaćenom od strane Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Amount requested from UKF: 69.862,73 HRK
Amount of matching funding: 15.010,03 HRK
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