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Project leader Svoboda Petra
Project co-leader: Gerhard Dobler
Administering organization: University Hospital for Infectious Diseases “Dr. Fran Mihaljević”, Mirogojska cesta 8, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Institution/Company: Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Rickettsia spp. and tick-borne encephalitis virus in small rodents
Project summary: Highly pathogenic agents can be detected and identified by highly sophisticated numbers of molecular and immunological methods. Specific molecular diagnostics are not available at all laboratories. Vector-borne pathogens like members of Rickettsia genus and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) cause serious and dangerous diseases in Croatia. There is a lack of knowledge of Rickettsia spp. and tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) presence in small rodents not only in Croatia but also worldwide. Limited data reveal small rodents as the reservoir of these agents. The aim of the visit is to screen small rodent samples (from animals captured in forest Žutica near the capital of Croatia) for Rickettsia spp. and TBEV. We expect a fully trained young scientist to be able to introduce the new research as well as diagnostic technologies at our home institution in Croatia and to train other members of the staff in performing such methods. So far research tools for detection of Rickettsia spp. and TBEV are not established in Croatia. Moreover, newly established tests could be used as diagnostic methods.
Hrvatski sažetak: Visoko patogeni uzročnici može se otkriti i identificirati veoma sofisticiranim molekularnim i imunološkim metodama. Određene molekularne dijagnostičke metode nisu dostupne u svim laboratorijima. Članovi roda Rickettsia i krpeljni meningoencefalitis virus (KMEV), kao patogeni koji se prenose vektorima, uzrokuju ozbiljne i opasne bolesti u Hrvatskoj. Postoji nedostatak znanja o prisutnosti roda Rickettsia i krpeljnom meningoencefalitis virusu u malim glodavcima, ne samo u Hrvatskoj, nego i širom svijeta. Ograničeni podaci pokazuju da mali glodavci služe kao rezervoar ovih uzročnika. Cilj posjeta je provjeriti uzorke tkiva malih glodavaca (od životinja ulovljenih u šumi Žutica u blizini glavnog grada Hrvatske) za uzročnike Rickettsia spp. i KMEV. Očekujemo potpuno osposobljenog mladog znanstvenika koji može uvesti nove istraživačke, kao i dijagnostičke tehnologije u matičnu ustanovu u Hrvatskoj te da može obučiti i druge članove osoblja u obavljanju tih metoda. U Hrvatskoj, do danas, nisu uspostavljene istraživačke metode za otkrivanje Rickettsia spp. i KMEV. Osim toga, nove ustanovljene metode mogu se koristiti i u dijagnostičke svrhe.
Amount requested from UKF: 63.621,00 HRK
Amount of matching funding: 12.800,00 HRK
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