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Project leader Jablan Marinko
Project co-leader: Prof. dr. Marin Soljacic
Administering organization: Physics department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Bijenicka c. 32, 10002 Zagreb, Croatia
Partner Institution/Company: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Exploiting opto-mechanical properties of graphene for novel nano-technologies
Project summary: Ever since the stone age new materials meant new technologies and graphene is unlike any material we encountered so far. Being just one atom thick it has exceptional mechanical, electrical and optical properties which we wish to explore from two different aspects. On one side we are interested in generating a coherent phonon source ("sound laser") by optical forces while on the other side we want to use strain engineering to observe quantum effects in graphene at room temperature conditions. Finally we wish to explore interplay between these two phenomena. For the past four years we have been working with prof. Marin Soljacic from Massachusetts Institute of Technology on the problem of plasmonics in graphene, and I am applying for this UKF project grant, with prof. Soljacic as a co-applicant, to continue our collaboration. I plan to stay at the MIT for six months which will allow me to interact with some of the best researchers in the world and to gain skills and ideas that will greatly benefit Croatian scientific community upon my return to Croatia.
Hrvatski sažetak: Još od vremena kamenog doba novi materijali su značili i nove tehnologije, a grafen je drugačiji od bilo kakvog materijala koji smo sreli do sada. Kao najtanji materijal koji poznajemo (debljine točno jednog atoma) grafen posjeduje izuzetna mehanička, električna i optička svojstva koje mi želimo istražiti iz dva različita kuta gledišta. S jedne strane želimo generirati koherentan izvor fonona ("laser za zvuk") putem optičkih sila, dok s druge strane želimo iskoristiti mehaničko naprezanje grafena u svrhu realizacije kvantnih efekata pri sobnoj temperaturi. Konačno želimo istražiti međudjelovanje ta dva fenomena. Tokom pretekle četiri godine smo radili s prof. Marinom Soljčićem (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) na problemu plazmonike u grafenu te u svrhu produživanja te suradnje želim prijaviti ovaj UKF projekt s prof. Soljačićem kao suradnikom. Planiram ostati na MITu punih šest mjeseci što će mi omogućiti interakciju s najboljim znanstvenicima svijeta te smatram da će vještine i ideje koje tamo steknem značajno pridonjeti razvoju znanstvene zajednice u Hrvatskoj.
Amount requested from UKF: 72.000, HRK
Amount of matching funding: 15.360,00 HRK
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