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Project leader: Kristina Krklec
Project co-leader: Francisco William da Cruz Júnior
Administering organization: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture Svetošimunska 25 10000 Zagreb
Partner Institution/Company: Institute of Geosciences, University of Sao Paulo
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Northern Dinaric paleoclimate reconstruction based on high-resolution speleothem d18O analysis
Project summary: Speleothem records are the most relevant archives to study the climate during the past millennia in mid-latitudes. The oxygen stable isotope record (d18O) of speleothems allows understanding the evolution of the climate in broad geographical areas. We aim to study the d18O record of a speleothem that has already demonstrated to have an accurate chronology that covers the last 12,000 years. This exceptional speleothem record, collected from Postojna Cave (Slovenia), will be used to understand the climate changes in the northern Dinaric Region. Previous studies have shown that d18O data from this speleothem have regional significance and are related to atmosphere temperature. So, the high-resolution record from this speleothem will be used in subsequent studies to understand the evolution of temperature at human scale in the northern Dinaric Region, and how it affected human migrations. Such detailed record will require a sub-decadal resolution, which will imply sampling the speleothem at 100 micron resolution and analysing more than 2000 samples. The Institute of Geosciences of the University of Sao Paulo has the New Wave Micromill required to do the delicate sample collection, as well as three Mass Spectrometers that will allow analysing a large volume of samples within a limited time. Because of the scientific prospect of this collaborative research, the lab director has offered to assume the huge cost of these analyses (typically no less than 20 to 50 € per sample). Preliminary data already showed that the most significant climate changes occurred during the Late bronze Age, when Illyrian civilizations collapsed, and new populations migrated into the region. So, the data will provide detailed knowledge on the climate changes in Croatia and will provide a robust record to evaluate the role of climate change on the migrations of Croatian ancestors.
Hrvatski sažetak: Zapisi u speleotemima najrelevantniji su arhivi za proučavanje klime tijekom proteklih tisućljeća u srednjim geografskim širinama. Zapis koncentracije izotopa stabilnog kisika (d18O) u speleotemima omogućuje razumijevanje evolucije klime u širokim geografskim područjima. Cilj nam je proučiti zapis d18O u speleotemu za koju je već geokronološki utvrđeno koja pokriva posljednjih 12.000 godina. Ovaj iznimni uzorak, prikupljen iz Postojnske jame (Slovenija), koristit će se za razumijevanje klimatskih promjena u sjevernom Dinarskom području. Dosadašnja istraživanja pokazala su da podaci d18O iz ovog speleotema imaju regionalni značaj i odnose se na temperaturu atmosfere. Tako će rezultati analiza d18O visoke razlučivosti iz ovog speleothema biti korišteni u kasnijim istraživanjima kako bi se shvatila evolucija u sjevernoj Dinarskoj regiji i kako je ona utjecala na ljudske migracije. Takva detaljna evidencija zahtijevat će poddekalnu rezoluciju, koja podrazumijeva uzorkovanje speleotema pri rezoluciji 100 mikrona i analizu više od 2000 uzoraka. Preliminarni podaci već pokazuju da su se najznačajnije klimatske promjene dogodile tijekom kasnog brončanog doba, kada su se srušile ilirske civilizacije, a nova populacija migrirala u regiju. Tako će podaci pružiti detaljna saznanja o klimatskim promjenama u Hrvatskoj i pružiti snažan zapis o ulozi klimatskih promjena u migracijama hrvatskih predaka.
Amount requested from UKF: 31.000,00
Amount of matching funding: 6.200,00
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