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Project leader: Ivica Matak
Project co-leader: Ornella Rossetto
Administering organization: University of Zagreb School of Medicine
Partner Institution/Company: Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padua
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Trafficking of botulinum toxin in enteric nervous system
Project summary: The aim of proposed project is to establish a collaboration between Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology, University of Zagreb School of Medicine, and prof. Ornella Rossetto at the Neuroparalysis and Neuroregeneration Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Padua, by laboratory visit of dr. Ivica Matak (project applicant) to Padua. The two research groups share common interests in investigation of action of botulinum toxins, which cause botulism, and at the same time are one of the most commonly used therapeutic proteins. In Padua, the applicant will be involved in a project aimed to characterize the effects of botulinum toxins in the gut enteric nervous system and symptoms of natural botulism. The findings should also be relevant for possible therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in many spastic and inflammatory disorders of the gut system. Additional aim addressed is to study the botulinum toxin spread away from the gut to distant body regions and central nervous system with behavioural and immunohistochemical techniques. Project applicant will be trained for in vitro and ex vivo and techniques used, such as isolation of primary neuronal cultures from the intestine, contraction imaging in isolated intestinal smooth muscle, as well as to study the function of peripheral neuromuscular junction. Project applicant will contribute to the research with his experience in behavioral and immunohistochemical techniques. Together with scientific collaboration, project applicant and co-applicant will plan future project applications to research funds at national and European level (respective Italian and Croatian Science foundations, European Structural Funds, Horizon funds), as well as potential collaboration with pharmaceutical industry.
Hrvatski sažetak: Cilj predloženog projekta je uspostaviti znanstvenu suradnju između dr. sc. Ivice Mataka iz Laboratorija za molekularnu neurofarmakologiju s Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (prijavitelj) i prof. Ornelle Rossetto iz Laboratorija za neuroparalizu i neuroregeneraciju, sa Sveučilišta u Padovi (su-prijavitelja) posjetom prijavitelja Odjelu za biomedicinske znanosti Sveučilišta u Padovi. Dvije istraživačke djele zajednički interes u proučavanju djelovanje botulinum toksina, koji uzrokuju botulizam i ujedno su vrlo često korišteni terapijski toksini. U Padovi, prijavitelj će biti uključen u projekt karakterizacije učinaka botulinum toksina u probavnom enteričkom sustavu, s ciljem objašnjenja simptoma prirodnog botulizma. Istraživanja bi trebala biti važna i za potencijalnu terapijsku uporabu botulinum toksina kod mnogih brojnih upalnih i spastičnih poremećaja probavnog sustava. Dodatni cilj jest praćenje širenja botulinum toksina iz probavnog sustava u udaljene regije tijela i središnji živčani sustav bihevoralnim metodama i imunohistokemijom. Prijavitelj će naučiti koristiti eksperimentalne tehnike poput izolacije primarnih staničnih i neuronalnih kultura crijeva, praćenja kontrakcije glatkog mišićja te funkcije periferne neuromišićne spojnice. Prijavitelj će istraživanju pridonijeti svojim iskustvom kod bihevioralnih i histoloških metoda. Osim znanstvene istraživačke suradnje, prijavitelj i su-prijavitelj će planirati buduće projektne prijave na nacionalnim i europskim razinama (talijanske i hrvatske zaklade za znanost, Europski Strukturni fondovi, Obzor), te moguće suradnje s farmaceutskom industrijom.
Amount requested from UKF: 22.400,00
Amount of matching funding: 4.500,00
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