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Young Researchers and Professionals
Project leader Bišćan Davor
Project co-leader: prof. dr. sc. Veljko Filipan, dipl. ing. str.
Administering organization: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Partner Institution/Company: Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology
Grant type: 3C
Project title: Analysis and optimization of waste heat utilization by means of organic Rankine cycle (ORC)
Project summary: Aim of the project is to evaluate feasibility, viability and optimal performance of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for utilization of industrial waste heat in the Republic of Croatia. At the beginning of the work Croatian industrial sectors with relevant waste heat potential for electricity production are determined. Furthermore relevant companies in these sectors will be selected with respect to main process characteristics, operation mode and estimated waste heat potential. Data collection of waste heat parameters (flue gas composition, temperature, mass flow) will be conducted. Furthermore daily, monthly and annual demand patterns will be obtained. Main industrial sectors to be considered are: • Glass Manufacturing (glass melting and refining processes in high temperature furnaces) • Cement Manufacturing (cement kilns) • Iron and Steel Manufacturing (coke ovens, blast furnaces, basic oxygen furnaces, and electric arc furnaces) • Aluminum Production • Metal Casting • Heating plants • Textile industry • Petrochemical Industry (refineries, organic petrochemistry) Considered facilities are to be classified in the terms of: annual energy consumption, average exhaust temperature, annual amount of waste heat and estimated annual electricity production. Mathematical model for calculation of the waste heat recovery process will be developed. Calculation is to be conducted for the system design point and at part load regimes of respective plants. Developed mathematical model will be used for configuration and optimization of the ORC process in the terms of: • Selection of optimal working fluid – single component fluid and fluid mixtures • Selection of optimal configuration (w/wo reheater, w/wo superheater) • Optimization of process parameters (pinch point difference, evaporating pressure, size of heat exchangers) Economic calculation of investment into new heat recovery system is to be conducted. With respect to annual number of hours in operation followed by fuel cost, equipment cost, emissions reduction potential and revenue from electricity sellback to the grid, cash flow and payback period will be calculated. Economic sensitivity analysis for varying fuel- and electricity sellback- prices will be conducted. Social aspects of the project will be explained aiming to promote the utilization of waste heat through finding and proposing most efficient solutions. Potential for engagement of Croatian industrial sector in development and production of components as heat exchanger, turbine (respectively its parts) or other components like piping and instrumentation will be proposed. Research and analysis of existing equipment requirements and characteristics (from other manufacturers) will serve as a useful guideline for potential Croatian companies willing to take part in development and production of components for ORC plants.
Hrvatski sažetak: Cilj projekta je procijeniti izvedivost, isplativost i optimalne performanse organskog Rankine procesa (ORC) za iskorištavanje industrijske otpadne topline u RH. Na početku rada utvrđuju se industrijski sektori sa relevantnim potencijalom otpadne topline za proizvodnju električne energije. Nadalje se određuju subjekti u izabranim sektorima obzirom na glavne karakteristike procesa, način rada i procijenjeni potencijal otpadne topline. Prikupit će se podaci o parametrima otpadne topline (sastav dimnih plinova, temperatura, količina) kao i dnevni, mjesečni i godišnji profili opterećenja postrojenja. Razmotrit će se sljedeće industrijske grane: • proizvodnja stakla (taljenje stakla u visokotemperaturnim pećima) • proizvodnja cementa • željezare i proizvodnja čelika (koksne peći, visoke peći, elektrolučne peći) • proizvodnja aluminija • ljevaonice • toplane • tekstilna industrija • petrokemijska industrija (rafinerije, organska petrokemija) Razmotrena postrojenja klasificirat će se obzirom na: godišnju potrošnju energije, prosječnu temperaturu izlaznih dimnih plinova, godišnju količinu otpadne topline i procijenjenu godišnju proizvodnju električne energije. Razvit će se matematički model za proračun procesa rekuperacije otpadne topline. Proračun će se provesti za nazivno opterećenje te za režime rada postrojenja. Razvijen matematički model koristit će se za konfiguraciju i optimizaciju ORC procesa obzirom na: • izbor optimalnog radnog fluida – jednokomponentni ili višekomponentni • izbor optimalne konfiguracije (sa ili bez regeneratora odnosno pregrijača) • optimizacija procesnih parametara (pinch temperature, tlaka isparavanja, veličine izmjenjivača topline) Provest će se ekonomski proračun isplativosti ulaganja u novi sustav za rekuperaciju otpadne topline. Obzirom na godišnji broj sati rada, troškove goriva, troškove opreme, potencijal za smanjenje emisija te prihod od prodaje električne energije u mrežu računat će se tok novca i rok povrata investicije. Provest će se ekonomska analiza osjetljivosti za promjenjive cijene goriva i prodajne cijene električne energije. Objasnit će se društveni aspekti projekta u cilju promicanja korištenja otpadne topline kroz pronalaženje i predlaganje najučinkovitijih rješenja. Predložit će se mogućnosti angažmana hrvatskih tvrtki za razvoj i proizvodnju opreme ili njenih dijelova kao npr. izmjenjivača topline, turbina ili drugih komponenti kao što su cjevovodi i instrumentacija. Istraživanje i analiza zahtjeva i značajki postojeće opreme drugih proizvođača poslužiti će kao korisna smjernica hrvatskim tvrtkama koje žele sudjelovati u razvoju i proizvodnji dijelova ORC postrojenja.
Amount requested from UKF: 168,000
Amount of matching funding: 72,000
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