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Project leader Kuljača Ognjen
Project co-leader: Krunoslav Horvat
Administering organization: Brodarski institute, Vladimir Koroman, PhD, Associate Professor General Director Av. V. Holjevca 20, 10020 Zagreb, Croatia, http://www.hrbi.hr, Email: vladimir.koroman@hrbi.hr Phone: (385) 1 6504 100 Fax: (385) 1 6504 280
Partner Institution/Company: System Research Institute, Alcorn State University
Grant type: 1A
Project title: Applied neuro-fuzzy control of turbine governors and ship rudder systems
Project summary: The purpose of the project is development of fuzzy and neural network intelligent controllers for hydro power plants, water turbine governors and similar classes of systems such as submarine and ship rudder systems and underwater vehicles. The main goals of the project are: 1) develop industry level grade neural network and fuzzy control systems for non-minimum phase systems with hydroturbine governor and ship rudder systems: 2) train the Croatian researchers in neural network and adaptive fuzzy control; 3) establish the neural network and adaptive fuzzy control systems industrial applications laboratory at Brodarski Institute. It is expected that during three years for the project novel neural network and fuzzy control algorithms for non-minimum phase systems will be developed, tested and applied on industrial hardware, thus making them applicable on the market. In addition, an advanced industry based advanced control laboratory will be established in Croatia and six Croatian researchers will be trained in advanced control systems methods (four emerging researchers). Ognjen Kuljača ia Assistant Professor at Alcorn State University, USA. He received B.Sc and MS degrees in electrical engineering from University of Zagreb and PHD in electrical engineering from University of Texas at Arlington. He is expert in neural network and fuzzy control systems. At Alcorn State he is a program leader for Robotics & Automation program. His projects thus far were fionanced with more than 3 mil. $US. Krunoslav Horvat is a researcher at Brodarski Institute, Zagreb. He received his B.Sc degree in electrical engineering for University of Maribors, and his MS and PGD degrees in electrical engineering from University of Zagreb. He was and is a project leader for numerous control systems implementation projects in industry and power control.
Hrvatski sažetak: Svrha projekta je razvoj inteligentnih regulatora za hidroelektrane, regulatore vodnih turbina i dinamički slične sustave kao sto su brodski kormilarski sustavi primjenom neizrazite regulacije i neuronskih mreža. Projekt će, osim tog razvoja, pridonijeti daljnjoj specijalizaciji hrvatskih istraživača u metodama neizrazite regulacije i regulacije neuronskim mrežama, i uspostaviti laboratorij za industrijske primjene adaptivnih neuronskih i neizrazitih regulatora. Očekuje se da će tijekom projekta biti razvijeni, testirani i primijenjeni na industrijskom hardveru, novi neuronski i neizraziti regulacijski algoritmi za ne-minimalno fazne sustave te će oni predstavljati novo intelektualno vlasništvo. Također, napredni laboratorij za naprednu industrijsku regulaciju će biti uspostavljen u Hrvatskoj. Laboratorij će omogućiti daljnji razvoj ovih regulacijskih metoda kako bi postale pogodne za industrijsku primjenu. Ognjen Kuljača je docent na Alcorn State University u SAD-u, a diplomirao je i magistrirao elektrotehniku na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu i doktorirao na University of Texas at Arlington. Stručnjak je za neuronske i neizrazite mreže i na svom sveučilištu vodi tehnološki program robotike i automatike, a njegovi su dosadašnji projekti vrijedni više od 3 milijuna dolara. Krunoslav Horvat istraživač je na zagrebačkom Brodarskom institutu, a diplomirao je elektrotehniku na Sveučilištu u Mariboru I magistrirao i doktorirao elektrotehniku na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu. Voditelj je mnogih projekata implementacije upravljačkih sustava u industriji.
Amount requested from UKF: 168 431 €
Amount of matching funding: 127 560 €
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