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Project leader Babić Emil
Project co-leader: Josip Horvat
Administering organization: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science Horvatovac 102A, Zagreb, Croatia Web address: www.pmf.hr Dean: Prof. dr. sc.Ivan Habdija (dekanat@pmf.hr )
Partner Institution/Company: University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia
Grant type: 1B
Project title: Enhancement of electromagnetic properties of MgB2 superconductor by magnetic nanoparticle doping
Project summary: Recently discovered MgB2 superconductor offers a new opportunity for practical use of superconductivity without expensive liquid helium. Unlike low temperature superconductors (LTS) that require liquid helium to maintain them in superconducting state, MgB2 becomes superconducting below 39K. As such, it can be used at 20K, which is easily achievable with modern cryocoolers. MgB2 does not suffer from poor superconducting links between the superconducting crystals, which is the main stumbling block for applications of high-temperature superconductors. Further, MgB2 is easy and cheap to produce, unlike high-temperature superconductors (HTS). Therefore, there is a possibility to develop cheap MgB2 superconducting wires, whose superconductivity can be maintained by cryocooler requiring only connection to electrical power. One of the most significant practical applications of these wires would be cheap MRI machines, which would facilitate deployment of MRI units in every hospital. Further, highly efficient MgB2 based electrical motors, transformers and power generators are being developed. Because of this, there was a strong push among research groups to develop MgB2 wires. A major breakthrough was achieved by one of the applicants’ group, by doping MgB2 with amorphous nano-sized SiC. This doping increased useable supercurrent of MgB2 wires by about an order of magnitude, triggering the development of first commercially viable prototype devices (MRI magnets, airborne electromotor). In this project, we propose to take the doping of MgB2 one step further. Magnetic nanoparticle doping is expected to improve the supercurrent much more than the non-magnetic one due to stronger local suppression of superconductivity, which is beneficial for obtaining large macroscopic supercurrent. The research in this area has been patchy and inconclusive, indicating that the particle distribution and chemical reactions of the dopants have not been controlled sufficiently. This project is expected to solve these issues and deliver significant improvement of the useable supercurrent in MgB2 wires, which is hoped to surpass those of nano-SiC doped MgB2. There will be a strong national benefit from the proposed project in terms of further development of expertise in this growing area of superconductivity, postgraduate training, and establishment of strong international links with leading groups in this area, as well as commercial opportunities for Croatian industry to benefit from this expertise. Existing infrastructure at participating institutions will in this way be used to its maximum potential.
Hrvatski sažetak: Za razliku od današnjih komercijalnih supravodiča koji moraju koristiti tekući helij zbog niske temperature supravodljivosti, magnezijev diborid postaje supravodljiv na višim temperaturama i može se koristiti na temperaturama koje se lako postižu modernim krio-hladnjacima. Nadalje, taj je materijal jeftin i lako se priprema za razliku od drugih supravodiča. Zbog toga se u svijetu užurbano razvijaju supravodljive žice od tog materijala. Najveći prodor u tom pravcu je učinila grupa Josipa Horvata iz australskog Sveučilišta u Wollongongu. U okviru ovog projekta želi se dalje unaprijediti supravodljiva žica dopiranjem s izabranim magnetskim nanočesticama koje bi trebale još više povisiti suprastruju žica. U okviru projekta otvorio bi se prvi laboratorij za proizvodnju supravodljivih žica u Hrvatskoj pod vodstvom prof. Emila Babića s Fizičkog odsjeka Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Projektom će se razviti stručnost mladih hrvatskih znanstvenika u supravodljivosti i stvoriti veze s vodećim istraživačkim grupama u svijetu iz tog područja. Ta stručnost u Hrvatskoj, dostupnost laboratorija za proizvodnju supravodljivih žica kao i prilika da se direktno uključi u projekt i koristi njegove rezultate koristit će hrvatskoj industriji kako bi se uključila u razvoj ovog kompetitivnog područja. Emil Babić redovni je profesor Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet), diplomirao je i doktorirao fiziku na Sveučilištu Zagrebu. Njegova je grupa već preko 20 godina uključena u mnoga temeljna i primijenjena istraživanja visokotemperaturnih supravodiča na svjetskoj razini. Josip Horvat zaposlen je kao stariji predavač na australskom Sveučilištu u Wollongongu, diplomirao je fiziku u Zagrebu, a doktorirao na australskom Sveučilištu Monash. Od početka je aktivno uključen u razvoj i komercijalizaciju visokotemperaturnih supravodiča koji se danas proizvode u Australiji. Njegov je rad usmjeren na fizikalnu pozadinu koja je omogućila tehnološki napredak u razvoju supravodiča.
Amount requested from UKF: 183320 €
Amount of matching funding: 68856 €
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