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Project leader Rogic Maja
Project co-leader: Mr.sc. Maja Rogic
Administering organization: Department of Neuroscience Medical School, University of Split, Šoltanska 2, 21000 Split, Croatia Telephone: +386 (0)21 557 875
Partner Institution/Company: Department of Neurosurgery, Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Grant type: 2A
Project title: A new insight to the neurophysiology of speech production
Project summary: One of the goals of neurosurgical procedures in the vicinity of eloquent brain regions is to preserve that region from incidental injuries during surgery. The injuries of critical brain regions that are involved in the speech production may lead to postoperative deficits which cannot be compensated in postoperative period. The exact anatomical, functional and neurophysiological characteristic of speech production are not known yet. The aim of our study is to define the neurophysiological markers of motor speech production. By finding these neurophysiological markers we would be able to define and recognize the anatomical and functional characteristics of speech production. The expected outcomes are the following: 1. By finding out the neurophysiological markers of speech production, we would be able to distinguish the anatomical and functional characteristic of speech production. 2. New contribution to the knowledge of the field of neurosurgery. By knowing the neural substrate of speech production, the post-operative deficits in speech production would be lower. 3. Lowering the morbidity of patients and the ability for maximizing surgical resections.
Hrvatski sažetak: Jedan od ciljeva neurokirurških procedura u blizini elokventne regije mozga je očuvati tu regiju od mogućih kirurških ozljeda. Ozljede kritičnih regija mozga koje sudjeluju u stvaranju govora, mogu dovesti do postoperativnih deficita koji se ne mogu kompenzirati u kasnijem postoperativnom periodu. Anatomsko-funkcionalne i neurofiziološke karakteristike stvaranja govora još uvijek nisu do kraja poznate. Cilj ovoga projekta je definirati neurofiziološke markere motoričke produkcije govora. Otkrivanjem ovih neurofizioloških markera mogli bismo definirati i prepoznati anatomsko funkcionalne karakteristike stvaranja govora. Očekivani rezultati su: 1. Otkrivanjem neurofizioloških markera motoričke produkcije govora, imali bismo saznanja o anatomsko-funkcionalnim karakteristikama stvaranja govora. 2. Doprinos području neurokirurgije. Smanjenje postoperativnih deficita u govoru. 3. Smanjenje morbiditeta bolesnika i maksimiziranje kirurških resekcija.
Amount requested from UKF: 8.463 €
Amount of matching funding: 2.000 €
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