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Project leader Pirc Andreja
Project co-leader: prof. Richard Vlosky, Ph.D.
Administering organization: University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry Assoc. Prof. Darko Motik, Ph.D. Svetosiminska 25 HR-10000 zagreb Phone: +385 (1) 235 25 54 e-mail: motik@sumfak.hr
Partner Institution/Company: Louisiana Forest Products Development Center-School of Renewable Natural Resources at the Louisiana State University
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Innovation in the U.S. furniture industry
Project summary: Numerous researches in the field of furniture industry and businessmen in mentioned area have pointed out that on of the main problem of Croatian furniture industry is non-competitiveness and lack of new and innovative products and processes. Furniture production presents very important branch of Croatian economy so, I think that this research related to innovativeness impact to firm competitiveness can be very useful for future Croatian furniture industry development. Defined results would serve as guidelines for conduce a similar, but comprehensive research, to the same problems in Croatia. With mentioned problems I’m dealing in my Ph.D. dissertation “Innovativeness impact on firm competitiveness in Croatian furniture industry”.
Hrvatski sažetak: Brojna istraživanja u području proizvodnje namještaja te osobe iz privrede ukazali su kako je jedan od glavnih problema hrvetske industrije namještaja nekonkurentnost i nedostatak novih i inovativnih proizvoda i procesa. Proizvodnja namještaja predstavlja vrlo važnu granu hrvarskog gospodarstva, stoga sam mišljenja da bi ovaj projekt istraživanja utjecaja inovativnosti na konkurentnost tvrtke mogo doprinijeti budućem razvoju hrvatske industrije namještaja. Dobiveni rezultati poslužili bi kao smjernice za provođenje sličnog istraživanja u pdoručjue hrvatske industrije namještaja. S navedenom tematikom bavim se u izradi svoje doktorske disertacije po naslovom „Utjecaj inovativnosti na konkurenstnost tvrtki u proizvodnji namještaja „.
Amount requested from UKF: 6.100 €
Amount of matching funding: 1.220 €
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