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Project leader Vinković Vrček Ivana
Project co-leader: Walter Gössler
Administering organization: Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Ksaverska cesta 2, P.O.B. 291, HR-10001 Zagreb, CROATIA (http://www.imi.hr); contact person: Ana Lucić-Vrdoljak, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, Director, e-mail: alucic@imi.hr, Phone: (+385 1) 46 73 188; Fax: (+385 1) 46 73 303
Partner Institution/Company: Institute of Chemistry – Analytical Chemistry, Karl-Franzens University, Graz
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Nanosilver particles versus ionic silver – development of a method for differentiation and quantification
Project summary: Research and development in the area of new nanomaterials has been given high priority as having an enormous economic potential. The metallic silver nanoparticles are most promising and can be exploited in medicine for burn treatment, dental materials, coating stainless steel materials, textile fabrics, water treatment, sunscreen lotions, etc. Experience from other contaminants and their release into the environment leads to the need for more information and a discussion of technology development from a preventative point of view. The size of a nanoparticle and its differentiation from ionic metal form are key parameters to be determined when attempting to predict the fate, and potential toxicological impact, of engineered nanoparticles released into the environment, which in turn requires robust and sensitive analytical methods. Therefore, the aim of this project is focused on development of spectrometry based method for separation of silver nanoparticles from ionic silver in different biological matrices. In addition, the methods developed within this project will be validated and analytical figures of merit will be determined to evaluate the suitability for routine applications.
Hrvatski sažetak: Istraživanje i razvoj na području novih nanomaterijala ima visoki prioritet zbog ogromnog ekonomskog potencijala. Nanočestice metalnog srebra su najperspektivnije zbog širokog raspona mogućeg eksploatiranja u medicini za tretiranje rana, dentalnim materijalima, materijalima od nehrđajučeg čelika, tekstilnoj industriji, tretiranju vode, losionima za sunčanje, itd. Iskustva dobivena na temelju spoznaja o ostalim okolišnim kontaminantima vode do potrebe za dobivanjem novih informacija i razmatranju tehnologijskog razvoja s preventativnog stajališta. Veličina nanočestica i njihovo razlikovanje od ionskog metalnog oblika su ključni parametri za predviđanje sudbine i potencijalnog toksikološkog utjecaja industrijski dobivenih nanočestica na okoliš, što zauzvrat zahtijeva robusne i osjetljive analitičke metode. Stoga je glavni cilj ovog projekta razvoj spektrometrijske metode za diferencijaciju nanočestica srebra od ionskog srebra u različitim biološkim materijalima. Uz to će se razvijena metoda validirati i utvrditi njena prikladnost u rutinskim primjenama.
Amount requested from UKF: 8.085,00
Amount of matching funding: 5.000,00
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