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Project leader: Ana Palčić
Project co-leader: Valentin Valtchev
Administering organization: Ruđer Bošković Institute
Partner Institution/Company: ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, CNRS, Laboratoire Catalyse et Spectrochimie
Grant type: 2A
Project title: Mechanochemical preparation of Cu-CHA zeolites for gas phase methane activation
Project summary: There is a great economic opportunity in developing methods for direct conversion of methane into liquid fuel and chemicals due to its high availability. Currently, the commercial processes involve indirect conversion which is feasible only at large scales. However, the direct conversion of methane into valuable products concerns the challenge of activating one of the most stable of all hydrocarbons. To address these issues, new catalyst and process design are a necessity. Metal-containing zeolite materials comprising copper and iron species as active sites, inspired by the natural enzyme systems represent the most promising catalysts for the methane activation. In the frame of this project, Cu-containing zeolite materials are going to be prepared applying milling processes, an environment-friendly route. The obtained materials will be tested as catalysts in the direct methane conversion into hydrocarbons. The results are expected to serve as the foundation for development of an industrial process thus providing a cost- and energy-efficient solving of the energy feedstocks issue. The work on the topic of direct methane conversion is going to enable new possibilities in finding the appropriate solution of the aim to increase the independence of the Republic of Croatia from the energetical perspective.
Hrvatski sažetak: Metan je naveliko dostupan zbog čega postoji veliki ekonomski potencijal u njegovoj izravnoj pretvorbi u tekuća goriva i ostale kemikalije. Trenutačno postoje industrijski procesi gdje je pretvorba neizravna i koji su isplativi samo za velike količine. Izravna pretvorba metana u vrednije produkte podrazumijeva aktiviranje jednog od najstabilnijih ugljikovodika što predstavlja značajan izazov za stručnjake te je stoga potrebno razviti nove katalizatore i procese. Za sada se najobećavajućim katalizatorima u takvim reakcijama čine zeoliti s bakrenim i/ili željeznim vrstama slični prirodnim enzimima. U sklopu ovog projekta će se pripremiti zeoliti s bakrom primjenjujući procese mljevenja koji predstavljaju ekološki prihvatljive metode sinteze. Dobiveni materijali će se testirati kao katalizatori u izravnoj pretvorbi metana u ugljikovodike. Očekuje se da će rezultati poslužiti kao osnova za razvoj industrijskog procesa i tako omogućiti ekonomski i energetski prihvatljivo rješenje problema izvora energije. Nadalje, istraživanje izravne pretvorbe metana će omogućiti nove puteve u traženju prikladnog rješenja za poboljšanje energetske neovisnosti Republike Hrvatske.
Amount requested from UKF: 36.310,00
Amount of matching funding: 8.000,00
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