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Call for proposals for Young Researchers and Professionals Program, Research in Industry and Academia Grant
Unity through Knowledge Fund announces Call for proposals within Young Researchers and Professionals Program, which will be open until Friday, 22nd of February 2013.
Young Researchers and Professionals Program fosters young researchers and professionals both from Croatia and Diaspora within all aspects of their professional advancement. Program is committed to support “brain-gain” to Croatian innovative small and medium enterprises, universities and research institutions. 
The objective of the Research in Industry and Academia Grant is to increase mobility of young researchers and professionals between academia and Croatian industry as well as to strengthen long-term cooperation between two sectors. The grant supports engagement of excellent young researchers and professionals in Croatian enterprises. Eligible applicants shall come from Croatian public scientific research institutions or Diaspora and be doctoral students or hold PhD degree. In addition, grant supports engagement of excellent young researchers and professionals in Croatian public scientific research institutions. Eligible applicants shall come from Croatian industry and be doctoral students or hold PhD degree. 
The grant is aimed for co-financing of salaries of young researchers and professionals, who will work on scientific and technology projects in Croatian companies or in public scientific research institutions.  

For more informations: 3C Research in Industry and Academia Grant

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